Recipe from Summer 2016/17 issue of True Natural Health – Recipe provided by Misty Mountain Health Retreat
This is a simple dehydrated cracker that is beautiful with sliced avocado, tomato and red onion. The guests enjoy these as part of their first meal after juicing for two days.
3 cups flaxseed (linseed)
6 medium raw carrots
2 cups water
½ Tbsp Celtic salt or Himalayan salt
sprinkle onion powder
sprinkle garlic powder
sprinkle Italian herbs
Procedure :
In a completely dry blender, blend the flaxseeds. Place in a small bowl.
Blend all other ingredients until smooth. Place in large bowl, and mix in the ground flaxseeds.
Place 3 cups of mixture on a lined dehydrator tray. Smooth out with spatula to even thickness, about 2 mm.
Sprinkle with sesame seeds, then smooth them in by gliding the spatula over. Score into cracker sizes with knife.
Dehydrate approximately 24 hrs at 46ºC (115ºF). Must be totally crunchy. Store in airtight glass jars.
Makes 3 – 4 trays