
Recipe from Summer 2016/17 issue of True Natural Health – Recipe provided by Misty Mountain Health Retreat

This is a delightfully crunchy dehydrated muesli, which is always a guest favourite. For those who don’t like measuring, this is one recipe that you can easily throw together and it’ll still taste great. For those who don’t have a dehydrator, it can be baked until golden brown in the oven, however this will destroy the omega-3 and omega-6 in the chia seed.

Ingredients and Method

Place into a large bowl:

¼ tsp Celtic salt or Himalayan salt

½ cup coconut cream

1 Tbsp maple syrup

½ – 1 dsp grated ginger

Stir well.

Add and combine gently:

4 cups coconut flakes

2 cups almond flakes *

½ cup chia seeds

1 cup activated buckwheat **

Let sit for 5 minutes, then spread on lined dehydrator trays. Dehydrate at least 24 hrs at 46ºC (115ºF). Granola must be totally dry and crunchy. Keep in airtight container.

** To activate buckwheat, soak 2/3 cup dry buckwheat 1/2 hr, drain and rinse, then leave overnight to begin the sprouting process.



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