
Recipe from Winter 2014 issue of True Natural Health


250g dark chocolate melts

Freeze-dried raspberries


White sprinkles


Fill small saucepan with enough water so that it is one-third filled.

Place saucepan over medium heat and bring to simmer, not boil.

Rest a glass bowl over the saucepan, ensuring that the bowl does not touch the water. You now have a double boiler.

Place two-thirds of the chocolate in the glass bowl and reserve one-third for later use.

With wooden spoon, gently stir the chocolate as it melts. Place a cooking thermometer into the chocolate and melt chocolate to 45ºC.

Remove bowl from heat and place on bench top.

Add remaining one-third of chocolate to melted chocolate mixture and stir constantly with wooden spoon until chocolate’s temperature comes down to 32ºC and the chocolate has melted. You should have glossy melted chocolate.

Line baking tray with baking paper and pour chocolate mixture onto paper.

Dip a raspberry or pineapple piece into the chocolate, allowing the chocolate to coat half of the berry/pineapple. Remove from chocolate allowing any excess to drip back into bowl, then dip into the bowl of sprinkles.

Place raspberry and pineapple pieces on tray lined with baking paper and repeat until all fruit is used.



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