
Recipe from Autumn 2014 issue of True Natural Health 

PIE BASE – Ingredients                                                                         

120g freshly shelled walnuts

Zest of 1 lemon

100g dried figs   (approx. 7 figs)

1 cup/60g desiccated coconut

METHOD: Prepare shelled walnuts and lemon zest. Place dried figs into a strong blender to chop until fine. Add coconut, walnuts and lemon zest. Mix well and press into a pie plate. Set in fridge.


FILLING – Ingredients

2.5cm piece of fresh ginger, peeled

100g Medjool dates

100g creamed coconut

1 tablespoon cinnamon powder

100mls fresh lemon juice

350 g red and green apples, thinly sliced

20g chopped walnut


Place ginger into a strong blender to chop till very fine.

Add dates, creamed coconut, cinnamon, one apple, and lemon juice to blend well till a creamy consistency. Place sliced apples into a bowl with the cream and mix till apples are coated well.

Take pie base out of fridge. Pour apple mixture into crust and firmly pack in well.

Garnish with chopped walnuts


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