Good health is much more than the absence of disease. It is a high level of wellbeing in which all systems of the body and the mind are functioning well and there is an abundance of energy.
Nourish the body with a balance of natural, unprocessed foods in the form of a whole-food, plant-based way of eating. Aim for three-quarters of total food intake to be fresh vegetables and fruits. The remaining quarter should include foods that provide proteins, carbohydrates and fast. These include legumes, nuts, seeds, wholegrains and, if desired, small amounts of unprocessed cheese, free-range eggs, dried fruits, honey and pure maple syrup. Avoid or minimise refined sugar, refined grains, added salt, alcohol and food additives.
Eating foods mostly from the plant kingdom has proven benefits for health and the environment.
Have adequate sleep and relaxation, and find ways of dealing with stress ̶ specifically meditation, yoga, stress management courses, mindfulness practice, music and exercise.
Maintain a positive outlook on life by overcoming negative attitudes such as fear, anxiety, hatred, jealousy, resentment, greed, etc., and focus on positive attitudes, including love, kindness, generosity, gratitude, thoughtfulness and unselfishness.
Physical Activity.
Regular physical activity provides a huge range of benefits including promoting organ and muscle tone, relaxing your nervous system, better quality sleep and immune system support.
Brisk walking, jogging on soft surfaces or rebounding (on a mini-trampoline), swimming, tennis, cycling, and dancing are all great options. Maintain an upright posture, and, when lifting heavy objects, do it correctly.
Minimise Exposure to Toxic Chemicals.
Toxic chemicals are present in air, food, water, homes and workplaces.
Where possible, select organically-grown foods and pure water. Use safe household cleaning, skin-care and gardening products, and don’t take toxic chemicals into the home.
Pure Water.
Drink adequate pure water to at least satisfy your thirst. Either buy bottled water or use a home purifier.
Avoid drinking with meals, unless really thirsty. Consume liquids at least half an hour before a meal or more than two hours after a meal. Avoid or minimise alcohol, soft drinks and the caffeine in coffee and cola drinks.
Have regular, daily, brief exposure to direct sunshine, but only if suitable for your skin type. Always be sure to cease exposure in time to avoid sunburn.
Fresh Air.
Don’t smoke, and avoid breathing other people’s cigarette smoke. If possible, make your home in an unpolluted area.
If and when illness does arise, ensure adequate rest and use detoxification methods that facilitate the body’s powerful self-healing processes.
We don’t need to adopt a perfect lifestyle – in fact, it’s questionable if it is attainable anyway,
The golden rule is: It’s not what we do 5% of the time that determines our health; it’s what we do 95% of the time that counts.
The Natural Health Society is a not-for-profit community organisation. We run webinars, seminars, publish a quarterly magazine True Natural Health and provide support and education that helps people live healthier lives. By becoming a member, you help support our advocacy and education work and join a community of people committed to helping you stay on the right health track.