
Recipes from Winter 2022 issue of True Natural Health



8 cups filtered water

2 handfuls dried shiitake mushrooms

8 whole green onions

1 piece of ginger (2.5 cm long), sliced in half lengthwise

1 whole garlic bulb, cut in half

4 whole carrots, peeled and cut in quarters

1 daikon radish, peeled and cut in quarters

2 tablespoons nutritional yeast

3 tablespoons tamari or coconut aminos

1 sheet dried kombu

¼ teaspoon agar agar powder

1 teaspoon homemade vegemite*

1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

1 tablespoon sesame oil

Himalayan salt, to taste



Wash and then prepare vegetables as described in ingredients list.

In a large pot, add all ingredients except the lemon juice, sesame oil and salt.

Bring the stock to boil, then lower the heat and let simmer for about 45 minutes.

Strain your broth of all whole ingredients (I usually give these leftover vegetables to my chooks to eat as a warm winter treat).

Add the fresh lemon juice and sesame oil.

Stir the broth well, then taste. Season with salt if needed.

This broth can be poured into jars and frozen for an easy light meal.




(Healthy pantry staples are available via here (affiliate link)

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