By Janette Murray-Wakelin of

Janette spoke to us about her RawVeganPath during a NHSA webinar series, the recording is available for purchase here


Carrot, zucchini, cucumber, beetroot, greens, fresh herbs, red cabbage



Grate and toss together with chopped or whole fresh herb leaves:

Parsley, basil, oregano, dill etc

Add chopped greens and thinly sliced cabbage


If desired, add soaked and chopped nuts: almonds, cashews, macadamias or pinenuts

If desired, add soaked sultanas, currants or cranberries



1 Tbsp tahini, juice of 1 lemon or lime, 1/2-1 cup water, 1 avocado

Smash avo and mix together with other ingredients, adding water to desired consistency

Mix through salad and serve immediately.


This is a great pink salad!



(Healthy pantry staples are available via here (affiliate link)