By Janette Murray-Wakelin of




1 cup soaked, drained and rinsed fresh walnuts

1 cup raisins


8 or more bananas

1-2 lemons, juiced


Poppy or sesame seeds, passionfruit and/or raspberries



Slice bananas into a bowl, add lemon juice and stir to wet bananas. Set aside for 1/2 an hour.

Chop nuts in food processor, add raisins and mix until forms a ball (may need to add a little water)

Press crust into shallow rectangular slice tray or casserole dish

Gently stir bananas with spoon, lemon juice should have gelled amongst banana slices

Pour onto crust and smooth with back of a spoon

Add topping just before serving, cut into slices to serve.


For extra decadence, serve with Whipped Cashew Creme:

 1+1/2 cups cashews, soaked 30 minutes, drained and rinsed

1/3 cup lemon juice

1 soaked date

1/4 cup date water (that dates have soaked in)


Blend all ingredients until smooth and creamy.

Serve a teaspoonful on top of each slice


Excellent for breakfast, dessert or anytime!