The Perils of Blue-Light: By Dr Jenny Livanos Optometrist and Nutritionist

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Raw Food ‘Cure’ For Cancer, Then World Record Marathons

Alley Sanchez – Interview

How would you describe your health philosophy? In one word? Plants. Plants play a vital role in our lives as humans. We share a symbiotic relationship with nature, depending on each other for survival. Plants for nutrition – A diet that is predominantly plant-based, consisting of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, has been repeatedly […]
Rest is a health practice

The end of the year can bring extra work, social and family demands at a time when many of us are feeling end-of-year fatigue. Don’t forget that rest is a highly underrated health practice. Here are some holiday reminders to help keep you on track Who has time to nap at this time of year!!??! […]
Cancer: Prevention is easier than reversal

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