The way that we live in our environment has changed rapidly in recent decades. These changes have shifted our biorhythms and toxin exposures in ways that can have a profound impact on our health. These impacts are often undervalued or go completely unrecognised. For example, most people appreciate the role light plays in sleep and mood health, but the vast array of health impacts of light including its action as a probiotic is rarely acknowledged.
In our upcoming webinar series, we have collected 6 speakers with expertise in children’s health, mineral therapy, light exposure, natural household product development and building biology to present on different aspects of how we can address these changes to continue to live vibrant and healthy lives.
Join us from March 24 to April 21 for a five-week webinar series that’s sure to inform and inspire.

March 24 7 pm AEDT Jo Raydan “Your healthy home and workplace”
Jo Raydan is the Director of Two Natural Ladies and Founder of Gentle Safe Green. Jo is a long term eco-enthusiast and has made a career out of helping people use human and environmentally friendly products throughout their homes. What does the chemical Methyl Butyrate really do? Can you have an organic shampoo? These and other tricky questions will be answered and help to demystify some of the general misinformation in the media. Jo’s education sessions are fun, practical and draw on decades of experience working with gentle and environmentally friendly approaches to common problems.

April 1 11 am AEDT Dr Leland Stillman “An interview with Dr Leland Stillman, Photobiomodulation expert”
The role light plays in our health is frequently oversimplified or simply taken for granted. Join us for an interview with Dr Stillman, photobiomodulation expert. In this interview, Dr Stillman will discuss the multifaceted nature of light and the nuances of working with one of nature’s greatest resources.

April 8 11 am AEST Ally Sanchez “Your Backyard Apothecary.”
Albert Einstein famously said that in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. Most of us have had a difficult couple of years with Covid restrictions, disruption to supply chains and extreme weather events. These disruptions have also provided an opportunity for people to reflect on the importance of our health and the health of our environment.
This webinar series the highly respected Herbalist and Naturopath, Ally Sanchez, is providing us with opportunity out of difficulty in more ways than one. Firstly, Ally has kindly agreed to step in as a replacement as Morley Robins and Kirsten Kershaw had to cancel at the last minute (our sincere apologies for the last minute change), AND Ally is providing us with the opportunity to learn the ancient art of the cultivation and use of a backyard apothecary. An ancient skill of huge relevance today for anyone wanting to adopt sustainable health practices. The past couple of years have taught us all the importance of local solutions, as our global and national supply chains buckled under pressure. What could be more local than having the skills and knowledge to use the nature-cures that can be found in your own backyard?
Ally Sanchez has dedicated the past 20 years of her life to studying herbalism. She can teach you how to identify and use therapeutic herbs from your garden that you probably never even knew that they grew there!

April 14 7 pm AEST Nicole Bijlsma “Environmental Medicine – why all clinicians need to know”
Nicole Bijlsma is a building biologist, bestselling author, PhD candidate and CEO of the Australian College of Environmental Studies (est.1999). Nicole is the founder of the Building Biology movement in Australia which was created to educate people about the health hazards in the built environment. Nicole has lectured at tertiary institutions for 30 years, has published in peer-reviewed journals and is regularly consulted by the media to discuss mould, electromagnetic fields and toxic chemicals, and lectures in Australia and abroad about environmental health issues.
The past 4 decades have seen a dramatic change to the environment in which we live, from the deployment of wireless technologies in our home, school and workplace, toxicants like pesticides arising from changes in farming practices, and mould and condensation issues from inadequate exposure standards and failure of the building industry to implement best practice. Nicole will explore how environmental triggers may contribute to the pandemic in chronic diseases and provide simple tips to identify exposure.

April 21 7 pm AEST Fin Mackenzie “Children’s Health in Modern Life. What has changed?”
During the past 16 years of practice, Naturopath and Children’s Health specialist Fin Mackenzie has noticed a shift in the kind of issues children are presenting with. A children’s health practice that used to see a steady stream of eczema and minor infections like coughs, colds and ear infections has now shifted to seeing presentations of anxiety, ADHD, pyroluria, food allergy/intolerance and serious gut issues. In her presentation, Fin will discuss the drivers behind these trends and what can be done in the natural health space to address these issues.
Buy your tickets here
Looking forward to learning with you!
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The Natural Health Society of Australia (NHSA) does not make any warranty, express or implied, and specifically disclaims any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information presented during NHSA webinars, events and/or conferences. Speakers, and contributors to our webinars, events and/or conferences shall not be liable for any actions or proceedings arising out of the information provided through such activities. The presentations, comments and/or discussions provided do not purport to provide medical advice or opinion and attendees should not rely on the presented information for that purpose.
The views expressed by speakers or other parties (including, but not limited to, attendees and NHSA members) in NHSA webinars, events and/or conferences are those of the speaker or other party and not, necessarily, of the NHSA. Occasionally, speakers, topics and timing of presentations may have to change. When this occurs we will advise all registrants via the email provided at checkout and provide a replacement presentation/ speaker/ topic as soon as possible.
The presentation of any material or information regarding any specific opinion, product, process, or service, does not constitute or imply NHSA’s endorsement or recommendation of such opinion, process, service, item or organisation. Any such material or information presented at an NHSA event, without limitation, is for informational purposes only. Any attendee wishing to obtain medical advice should consult their relevant health professional.