Please join us for a 5 weeks of learning, inspiration and your natural health community. Buy your ticket here NHSA Webinar Series March-April 2024 | Natural Health Society
Tuesday, March 12 at 7.30pm SYD time, Susan Gianevsky 
Nurturing Your Health
Susan holds qualifications in both education and homeopathy and is a passionate advocate of women’s health. She is a professional health educator who specialises in Mineral Therapy with over 30 years in the health industry and is the Company Health Ambassador for Martin & Pleasance.

Monday, March 18 at 1.00pm SYD time, Dr Sandra Tuszynska
Dirt and Nutrition, How the Soil Microbiome Affects Our Microbiome.
Dr Sandra Tuszynska is a soil microbiologist who completed her PhD research at the University of New South Wales on the effects and detoxification of heavy metals in cells of mycorrhizal (root symbiotic) fungi, followed by postdoctoral studies at Rutgers University in New Jersey, researching nutrient transport in mycorrhizal fungi. Some of you may have read Dr Tuszynska’s excellent article on nutrition and raw food in True Natural Health. Dr Tuszynska will discuss with us the role soil microbiology has on health and nutrition and keep us up to date on some of the emerging understanding of the relationship between our gut microbiota and soil quality.
Tuesday, March 19 at 7.30pm SYD time, Helen Callanan
Insights From an End-of-Life Doula: Blending the worlds and bridging gaps in service
Helen is a practising end-of-life doula and the Founder, Managing Director and Lead Educator of Preparing the Way End of Life Doula Training across Australia and New Zealand. Preparing the Way has launched the world’s first nationally accredited Certificate IV in End of Life Doula Services. Preparing the Way promotes a more holistic approach to end-of-life experience in our communities and world. Helen has deep insight into health, healing, life and death – and all the beauty they hold. She is also trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Reiki and has more than 30 years of experience working with the very ill and dying.
Tuesday, March 26 and April 2 at 7.30pm SYD time, Dr Jenny Livanos
Session 1: Natural Eye Exercises for Better Vision
Session 2: Nutrition for Healthy Eyes
Holistic Optometrist and Nutritionist Dr Livanos is treating us to a 2 part webinar session where she will be drawing on her expertise as an optometrist and nutritionist to talk us through what we all should be doing to support our vision. Dr Livanos has been a True Natural Health favourite for many years, and we are very excited to have her join us for this special 2 part series.
Tickets are $55 for the series ($45 for members).
All registrants will receive a recording of each presentation so you can watch and learn at whatever time suits you.
NHSA event disclaimer
Webinar line-up may change due to unforeseen circumstances. The Natural Health Society of Australia (NHSA) does not make any warranty, express or implied, and specifically disclaims any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information presented during NHSA webinars, events and/or conferences. Speakers, and contributors to our webinars, events and/or conferences shall not be liable in any actions or proceedings arising out of the information provided through such activities. The presentations, comments and/or discussions provided do not purport to provide medical advice or opinion and attendees should not rely on the presented information for that purpose.
The views expressed by speakers or other parties (including, but not limited to, attendees and NHSA members) in NHSA webinars, events and/or conferences are those of the speaker or other party and not, necessarily, of the NHSA.
The presentation of any material or information regarding any specific opinion, product, process, or service, does not constitute or imply NHSA’s endorsement or recommendation of such opinion, process, service, item or organisation. Any such material or information presented at an NHSA event, without limitation, is for informational purposes only. Any attendee wishing to obtain medical advice should consult their relevant health professional.