Rest is a health practice

The end of the year can bring extra work, social and family demands at a time when many of us are feeling end-of-year fatigue. Don’t forget that rest is a highly underrated health practice. Here are some holiday reminders to help keep you on track   Who has time to nap at this time of year!!??! […]

Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

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Germs The Big Picture

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Tired People Never Lose Weight

Guest post by Dr Greg Fitzgerald (Allied Health). Greg recently spoke at our webinar series, and some of you were understandably keen to hear more from Greg so here are some of his thoughts on energy, vitality and healthy weight management. Find out more about Greg’s services at  About Us – Health For Life   […]

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME)

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Fasting & Juice Diets

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