*Health is the normal condition of the human body and under natural conditions it should continue from birth to death.

*Health is that condition of the body when all of its functions perform harmoniously and is maintained by living in accordance with nature.

*The health of an organism is governed by eating habits, proper exercise, abundant sunshine and fresh air, pure water, rest, a positive mental attitude and the avoidance of all habits which devitalise the system and disturb the balance of the bodily functions.

*Disease is basically the reaction of the body to a departure from some of the conditions necessary for good health.

*Health can be regained and maintained by living in harmony with nature and allowing the natural healing powers of the body to restore health.

*Drugs, medicines and other similar treatments interfere with the body’s restorative power and so, while suppressing symptoms, retard the restoration of health.

*The same factors which are necessary to maintain health are also the basis for the control of disease conditions if they arise.

*Erroneous eating habits, stress and lack of exercise are the principal causative factors in most of the health problems of civilised life.

*The natural and beneficial way to alleviate acute disease is through fasting – that is, complete abstention from both solid and liquid food – consuming only water. Alternatively, diluted fruit juices may be consumed.

*Chronic disease is the intensification of acute disease. It becomes manifest when the self-healing powers of the body are overtaxed.

PLEASE NOTE: It’s not what you do 5% of the time, it’s what you do 95% of the time that counts.