Recipe from Winter 2017 issue of True Natural Health


½ cup red lentils

1 kg Jap pumpkin, cut into chunks

1 onion, thinly sliced

1 tbsp ginger, grated

1 tbsp orange zest

4 cups vegetable stock

½ cup buttermilk (optional)

¼ cup coriander (optional)

olive oil

Procedure :

Fry onions in a little olive oil for 5 minutes until they begin to soften.

Rinse lentils and add to onions along with pumpkin, ginger and orange zest.

Add stock and bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes until pumpkin and lentils are cooked.

Remove from heat and blend in a food processor until smooth.

Stir in (optional) buttermilk and chopped coriander, then serve.