The Power of Rest

Rest, Regenerate and Restore The Natural Health Society of Australia has a deep respect for our body’s ability to regenerate and restore when given the right conditions. One of the key conditions to encourage self-healing is the practice of rest. Although we have biological drives such as sleep that ensure some level of ‘rest’ in […]

Forest therapy

Written by our Vice President, Margaret Stepniewski       According to the World Health Organisation, stress is the health epidemic of the 21st century and is responsible for many forms of chronic illnesses. In the 1980s, Japan recognised the physiological and psychological dangers of stress and depression and sought out a new, affordable and […]

Tired People Never Lose Weight

Guest post by Dr Greg Fitzgerald (Allied Health). Greg recently spoke at our webinar series, and some of you were understandably keen to hear more from Greg so here are some of his thoughts on energy, vitality and healthy weight management. Find out more about Greg’s services at  About Us – Health For Life   […]

Two Key Qualities For a Healthier, Happier and (probably) Longer Life

The following blog was written by Dr Greg Fitzgerald (Allied Health) of   My wife Dawn and I are sometimes asked about the most remarkable health recoveries we have ever seen in our 34 years in the health field. Our response is quick and in agreement. It is without doubt the recoveries we have […]

Anxiety and the gut microbiome

How your gut bugs can chill you out or stress you out Robyn Chuter – Naturopath For the healthiest, happiest you | Empower Total Health — Empower Total Health Anxiety is a modern epidemic. In the last major population study of mental health conducted in Australia, the 2007 National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing, anxiety […]

A Guilt-Free Festive Season

The simple joys of Christmas can often be overlooked due to the constant chaos surrounding it such as sourcing gifts or organising Christmas day lunch which can negatively have an impact on our overall health. But just because it’s Christmas it doesn’t mean completely forgetting the healthy habits we’ve gained throughout the year. So, this […]