A review by our Patron and former Health Director Roger French.   I have selected eight different plant milks from local stores and will assess their ingredients to provide a guide for all brands.   Firstly, as you no doubt realise, plant ‘milks’ are not milk at all; they are plant items dissipated in water […]

The Natural Health Society of Australia’s Principles of Natural Health

(i) Health is the normal condition of the human body and under natural conditions it should continue from birth to death. (ii) Health is the condition of the body when all of its functions perform harmoniously and is maintained by living in accordance with nature. (iii) The health of an organism is governed by eating […]

Rest is a health practice

The end of the year can bring extra work, social and family demands at a time when many of us are feeling end-of-year fatigue. Don’t forget that rest is a highly underrated health practice. Here are some holiday reminders to help keep you on track   Who has time to nap at this time of year!!??! […]